Thursday 24 October 2013

Love SMS Collection

Love & live happily

"We Love ourself even after doing thousand Mistakes,
Then how can we hate others for one mistake,
Forget, Forgive & Love Everybody
Live Happily"

How Long love U

Sum1 askd me for hw long i wil love u.
.but i remaind silent bcoz
 i dnt knw whts longer whether

3 Beautiful Quotes:

3 Beautiful Quotes:

"Deepest feeling always felt in silence"
"There is no true love witout Possesive"
"A thing lost is always valued the most"!

One Heart

I hav 2 eyes, 
but cant u see daily.
I hav 2 ears, 
bt can't hear ur voice daily.
But i hv 1 heart that remember u....

The Soul

"The soul u luv,
may not understand u

The soul which luves u,
 does not know anything other than u.

Short but Sweet:

Short but Sweet:
"Easy to Love, 
But difficult to Prove" 

Special person

Anyone can make u smile and,
anyone can make u cry, 
but it takes a special person
to make u smile with tears in ur eyes

Dont miss love in life

Fantastic line:

"Dont miss love in life, 
but dont spoil life in wrong love"

Sacrifice Your Love

"If u luv someone, 
first make sure dat u r ready to sacrifice anything 4 your lover..

sometimes dat sacrifice 
may be your PRECIOUS Love itself."

Love More Dnt Understand

"IF u want 2 b hpy wid a boy,
Luv him less & undrstnd more.
If u want 2 b hpy wid a girl,
Luv her more & nvr try 2 undrstnd her.!"..

Love is like a War

Love is like a war:
 Easy to begin 
but very hard to stop....

Real Love

A real love calls u beautiful instead of hot or sexy. Calls u bak wen u hang up. Stays awake to watch u sleep. Kisses your forehead insted ur lips. Shows u off to friends and says "there's my baby".

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